Dr. Pierre Vassallo

Diagnostic Radiologist with Special Interest in Cross-sectional and Women's Imaging
English, Maltese, Italian, German, good knowledge of French
Appointment request
Education and honors
University of Malta, Malta.
University of Muenster, Germany.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, NY.
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Master of Business Administration,Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Pearson BTEC Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Fellow of the American College of Angiologists (FACA),USA.
Board Certification in Diagnostic Radiology – Arzt fur Radiologie Medical Council, Muenster, Germany.
PhD – Cum Laude Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Muenster, Germany.
MD Malta Medical School, University of Malta.
Awards and honors
Clinical and Research Fellowship in Cross-sectional Imaging, Dept. of Radiology Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.
Scholarship German Academic Exchange Service, Germany.
Scholarship German Academic Exchange Service, Germany.
1. CT Measurement of Bone Mineral Content in the Lumbar Vertebrae. M. Montag, P Vassallo and PE Peters. Medicamundi 1988, Vol.33, no.1.
2. Rationeller Einsatz von FLASH Sequenzen im Staging von Knochen- und Weichteiltumoren. R Erlemann, M.Reiser, PE Peters, P Vassallo, A.Haerle. Fortschr. Roetgenstr. 149,2(1988).
3. Case Report: Popliteal Artery Aneurysm following Arthroscopic Meniscectomy: P Vassallo,
M.Reiser, PE Peters. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Sept 1989: vol 12, no 3.
6. Mediastinal Tumors: Sensitivity of Detection with Sonography compared with CT and Radiography. W.Wernecke, P Vassallo, R.Pötter, H.G.Lückener, PE Peters. Radiology 1990;175:137-143.4
7. RCPC: Postprandial Epigastric Discomfort in a Young Adult Male. P Vassallo, W Krings, M.Reiser, PE Peters. Invest Radiol 1990;25:1061-1064.
8. RCPC: Cystic Pelvic Mass in a Patient with Recurrent Carcinoma of the Cervix. E.G.Eising, M.F.Reiser, P Vassallo, PE Peters. Invest Radiol 1990;25:205-208.
9. Musculoskeletal Neoplasms: Fast Low-Angle Shot MR Imaging with and without Gd-DTPA. R Erlemann, P Vassallo, G Bongartz, H.Müller-Miny, E Rummeny, U.Stöber, PE Peters.
Radiology 1990; 176:489-495.
10. Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis in the Lower Extremities with High-Resolution Real Time and CW Doppler Ultrasound: Accuracy and Limitations. W Krings, J.Adolph, S.Deidrich, S.Urhahne, P Vassallo, PE Peters. Radiologe Nov. 1990 30:525-531.
11. Bildgebende Diagnostik von Mediastinalen Tumoren: Sensitivität und Spezifität der Sonographie im Vergleich zur Computertomographie und Konventionellen Röntgendiagnostik. K.Wernecke, P Vassallo, PE Peters, R.Pötter, H.G.Lückener. Radiologe Nov.1990 39:532-540.
12. Thoracic Sarcoidosis: N Roos, U.Bick, P Vassallo et al. Radiologe 1990;30:581-590.
13. Factors Effecting Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in Digital Radiographs. W Wiesmann, P Vassallo, PE Peters. In NATO ASI Series, Vol. F74; Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: p.425-429, Springer Verlag, Germany, 1991.
14. Value of Sonography in Monitoring the Therapeutic Response of Mediastinal Lymphoma: Comparison with Chest Radiography and CT. K.Wernecke, P Vassallo, G.Hoffmann, PE Peters, R. Poetter, E. Rummeny, P.Koch. AJR 1991: 156:265-272.5
15. Disturbed Myelination in Patients with Hyperphenylalaninemia: Evaluation by MR Imaging. U.Bick, G. Fahrendorf, A.Ludolph, P Vassallo, J. Weglage, K.Ullrich. European Journal of Paediatric Radiology 1991;150:185-189.
16. Are there any Typical Radiological Signs for Pneumocystis-Carinii Pneumonia (PCP)? N Roos, M v Eiff, P Vassallo, M Montag, H Lenzen, PE Peters. Atemw.-Lungenkrkh. 1991;17/2:78-82.
17. Thymic Involvement in Hodgkin’s Disease: CT and Sonographic Findings: K.Wernecke, P Vassallo, F.Rutsch, PE Peters, R.Pötter. Radiology 1991;181:375-383.
18. MR Imaging of the Ankle. T. Vestring, G. Bongartz, R. Erlemann, J.Scuik, P Vassallo, W. Wiesmann, C. Adlawan, J. Adolph, P.E. Peters. Radiologe 1991;31(12):616-623.
19. Detection of Hepatic Masses in Patients with Carcinoma: Comparative Sensitivities of Sonography, CT and MR Imaging: K.Wernecke, E Rummeny, G Bongartz, P Vassallo, D Kivelitz, W Wiesmann, PE Peters, B Reers, M.Reiser, W.Pircher. AJR 1991;157:731-739.
20. Comparison between High-Field-Strenght MR Imaging and CT for Screening of Hepatic Metastases: A Receiver Operating Characteristics Analysis. E. Rummeny, K.Wernecke, S. Saini, P Vassallo, W Wiesmann, J. Oestmann, D. Kivelitz, B. Reers, M.Reiser, PE Peters. Radiology 1992:182 (3); 879-886.
21. Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Superficial Lymphadenopathy: The Role of High Resolution US. P Vassallo, K.Wernecke, N Roos, PE Peters. Radiology 1992;183:215-220.6
22. The Distinction Between Benign and Malignant Liver Tumors on Sonography: Value of a Hypoechoic Halo. K.Wernecke, P Vassallo, U.Bick, S.Diederich, PE Peters. AJR 1992;159:1005-1009.
23. Pathologic Explanation for Hypoechoic Halo Seen on Sonograms of Malignant Liver tumors: An In Vitro Correlative Study. K.Wernecke, L.Henke, P Vassallo, D.B.v.Bassewitz, S.Diederich, PE Peters, G.Edel. AJR 1992;159:1011-1016.
24. In vitro high resolution ultrasonography of benign and malignant lymph nodes: a sonographic-pathologic correlation. P Vassallo, G.Edel, N Roos, A.Naigub, PE Peters. Invest. Radiol 1993;vol 82, no 8:698-705.
25. MR Lymphography for Characterizing of Metastatic vs Reactive Lymph Nodes. P Vassallo, C. Matei, A. Knott, W.D.W. Heston, S.J. McLachlan, J.A. Koutcher, R.A. Castellino. Progress in Lymphology XIV 1993: 309-310.
26. High resolution ultrasonography for distinguishing hyperplastic from tumor-bearing lymph nodes. P Vassallo, PE Peters. Progress in Lymphology XIV 1993:257-260.
27. BMS 180549-enhanced MR Lymphography: Utility for Differentiating Reactive from Tumor-bearing Lymph Nodes. P Vassallo, C. Matei, W.D.W. Heston, SJ McLachlan, J.A. Koutcher, R.A. Castellino. Radiology 1993;193:501-506.
28. Regional MR lymphography with intersititially administered ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide colloid (BMS 180549). P Vassallo, C Matei, W.D.W.Heston, SJ McLachlan, JA Koutcher, R.A. Castellino. Investigative Radiology: 1995;30,12:706-711.
29. Indirect computed tomographic lymphography with Imagent LN (perflubron emulsion) for assessing lymph nodes draining the prostate. P Vassallo, K. L.Meyer, C Matei, PK Tulipano, SF Flaim, JA Koutcher, RA Castellino. Journal of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology: 1996 In press.
30. Clinical Update: Radiology. Maltese Medical Journal: 2004;16, 3: 27-30.